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Thursday, April 23, 2009

TAMAN tido ku ;)

baby reko ilang baju. hahaha

my best fwen utk tido :p

prepare for the exam. NRS 412- Respiratory in Nursing
areda's note.

witwit n reko ;] teman utk study! yeahh

haha. posing ckittt..ngee

ok, da jumpe da baju reko. penat cari tadi. hihi ;p

my notes...

matrix card.

bottle utk study. hee

sori ye. sepah sepah ckit. huu

masa study pkai lotion. yeahhh ;)

my books~

anak sape la ni kan.. kemas betol. haha ;p

gunting utk practical. hahaha. micropore pon ada. slalu gune bile patient bleeding kat branular.
bergune tauuu..

sape ta paham meh aku terangkan...lalalala ;p

reko bucukkkk...

witwit ke reko? hehe


thursday, april 23 2009

ye... baru je lepas paper NRS 412- Respiratory in Nursing.
besh la gak. dpt jwb. Alhamdulillah.

now ada kat umh.. baru je tolong abg angkat barang. dye baru alek dari usm. ahad ni dye gi melaka sbb da start praktikal.
p/s to my bro: elok elok ye syeeran, da kaye jgn lupe blanje aku! haha ;p

tadi tlg mak masak spaghetti carbonara. cedap sgt.
pastu buat sandwich turkey.

sedap sgt n cpt gemok tau kwn kwn. hahahaha.

tape tape, tu da mmg favourite aku.. na uat cane kan? hihi.

btw, next test ari selasa dpn aka 28 April 2009.
(NRS 428= Pharmacology in Nursing)

29 April 2009= ada OSCE. ( ni yg paling cuak)

doakan sy ye kwn kwn. muahhxx!


  1. tu la..

    zip reko tercabut.

    pastu taoley na masok kan alek.


  2. hehehe...cute reko tuh..hohoh..
    sedap nye carbonara..
    good luck k dear!

  3. ye...

    reko cute..witwit pon cute.


    thanx dear! ;]
